Progress #2 (on canvas)

[]_504452ce-f4ce-9f04-a17e-ddbd0d000f5e (This is MY drawings, do NOT claim as your own! )

I finished drawing all my ideas so far on the canvas. Important notice is that pencil IS erasable on the canvas. The reason why I haven’t uploaded any photos of lately is because I’m still pondering if I should add more sketches to the canvas… But for now, these are the “main” part of the drawings… I might draw another Luffy if I was doing chronological order but I might just try to capture the grief and hope in this painting…
luffy___jinbe___gif_by_davidexposito-d5wcalt   (Despair)

tumblr_m7ezlmMRVY1rqc3zyo1_  (Hope)

Also the drawing actually didn’t take as long as expected, I took about 3 hours tops. But this was because the drawing kept smudging, which caused a blur in my pictures. I warn the others about this! But other than that, there was absolute no problem in erasing and drawing the drawings. I don’t know about painting on them so this experiment will be experimented soon.

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